
This morning I visited Mme. Morisette’s grade 3 EFI class to see what they were up to with the ipads. For an English lesson, focusing on Reading Power, Mme. Morisette read the students the picture book Meanwhile, which is in comic strip format. In the story, the main character Raymond gets transported to all sorts of adventures.

After reading part of the story, the students were given the choice of three apps to use:

Puppet Pals, Flipboom or Strip Designer

The students were asked to create a few more frames, showcasing Raymond’s next great adventure. The students eagerly went off in pairs and decided which app they would use. I was surprised how fluent they already were with these apps.

Students using Flipboom drew images and added text to their stories.

Students using Puppet Pals were able to select their characters and background screens and narrated their story using the built in audio recorder.

One pair of students used Strip Designer and searched online for images to use for their story of Raymond scoring the winning goal in the Olympic gold medal game!

After about 15 minutes of creating time, the students gathered on the carpet and a few groups of students shared what they had done so far.

In this particular lesson, the students were connecting, questioning and predicting what would come next in the story. As teachers, we often ask students to write or draw their predictions…this was just the iPad version of that kind of lesson!

Janice Novakowski

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